Monday, November 26, 2012

Two (a very belated post:))

   After talking to people over the holiday week I realized that I never posted about us being moved to number 2 on the list. In my last post I wrote that our case worker told us we would be number 1 within a week. Obviously, that didn't happen. One family accepted their referral, but the other family did not accept the second referral. The second child was too old for us to accept. Therefore, we are now number 2 and not number 1.We moved to number 2 in September.

  We hear news that there could be a few little ones at the orphanage but that it could take up to 3 months for their paperwork to be ready. This makes me think that our son is at an orphanage and I just pray that his nannies are loving on him. I would really like to pray that God reveals our son to us by Christmas, but I know I can't do this. As tough as it is to wait, I know that God is in control. But..wouldn't it be just wonderful for us to hear this news by Christmas!?:) Ha! I am really not getting my hopes up (okay..just a little bit!:)).

 Please keep praying for our journey. We appreciate your support prayers!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS! JUST LAST WEEK I was thinking about your family & surprised you hadn't moved from #3. GREAT NEWS! IT'S ALMOST your turn!!!!!
